Lower Uric Acid. Nutritional Therapy a Natural Cure

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Post by Admin Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:55 am

Lower Uric Acid

Acupressure can provide wonderful relief for gout attacks and it can be used as a complimentary treatment with medication or with other natural remedies like nutritional therapy. Nutritional therapy is type of natural cure for gout that is based on the belief that food contains the natural medicines our body requires in order to obtain and sustain health.

  • How is nutritional therapy taken?
  • Nutritional therapy primarily includes vitamins and minerals and is usually taken in the form of a supplement.

Folic Acid - This is the synthetic version of Folate (a water-soluble B vitamin that is naturally found in dark leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits) that is used in supplements.

Caution - Taking extremely high amounts of vitamin C may change uric acid levels in the body which can result in an acute gout attack. High doses can also colchicine dosage doses side effects.

  • Caution - More studies need to be conducted to find out the true benefits and side effects of this nutritional therapy.
  • Other nutritional therapy that is recommended which may prove effective in relieving and preventing gout include:

What is the Nutritional Therapy Prescribed for Gout Relief and Prevention?

The following is a list of some nutritional therapy home remedies for gout sufferers, and includes the benefits and precautions associated with each -

  • Quercetin - A bioflavonoid that acts as an antioxidant (found in onions) Benefit - Restrains xanthine oxidase, the enzyme that creates uric acid.
  • Studies have found it to have anti-inflammatory affects.

Benefits - Studies have found that high doses of folic acid may help reduce uric acid levels. Caution - Extremely high doses of folic acid can lead to digestive stress and may not be safe for pregnant or nursing women, or those who suffer from seizures, kidney or liver disease. Idea

Arizona state university downtown phoenix campus help gout? Although it is often used as a complimentary treatment with medication, nutritional therapy can help gout sufferers find relief from gout attacks by reducing inflammation. It can also prevent gout from recurring by lowering and controlling uric acid levels in the blood. In addition, proper nutritional therapy is safe to use for most people.

  • Caution - Not recommended for those allergic to pineapples, pregnant women, those with high blood pressure, kidney or liver disease.
  • This nutritional therapy may not be compatible with other medications and can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • It is designed for short-term use. Wink

Ingesting too little or too much of one substance - Ingesting something with ingredients you are allergic too - Combining different products that may not be compatible

  • Bromelain - A proteolytic enzyme (found in pineapple) Benefit - Studies have found Bromelain to be effective in reducing inflammation.
  • It appears to be a more suitable choice over other prescription anti-inflammatory meds used to treat gout. Shocked

What is proper nutritional therapy? The term "proper" has been used to clarify that like any other treatment; nutritional therapy can produce negative effects or be ineffective if used incorrectly, such as - Very Happy.

Vitamin C - This is an essential antioxidant water-soluble vitamin (found in citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables, etc.) Benefits - Studies have found that high doses of vitamin C can increase urinary excretion of uric acid, and lower uric acid in the blood.

  • There is a unique combination of vitamins, minerals and other healthy substances in each juice.
  • You just need to know what juice to choose to treat your health problems.
  • Pear juice has anti inflammatory effect and helps with kidney stones.
  • Pineapple juice is good for the kidney and liver function and has bromelain that is a natural fat burner and helps to rejuvenate your body.
  • Also, pineapple juice is recommended for treating angina.

10 Powerful Foods that Lower Uric Acid Levels

Lower Uric Acid. Nutritional Therapy a Natural Cure  Ua

  • Black currant juice is great for lack of vitamins, anemia, gastritis with low acidity, bronchitis, flu and angina.
  • It fights viruses, strengthens your immune system and is very rich in vitamin C.
  • Our objective of this article on Gout was to arouse your interest in it.
  • Bring back the acquired knowledge of Gout, and compare it with what we have printed here. Laughing

Apple juice helps with obesity and diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, largest kidney stone passed, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, gallstones and kidney stones, chronic colitis, gout and dysentery. It is very good for people with high mental activity. Shocked

  • Grape juice helps with fatigue and stress.
  • It cleanses kidneys and the liver and lowers cholesterol.
  • Grapefruit juice is a natural remedy for insomnia.
  • It lowers cholesterol and returns your blood pressure to normal. Evil or Very Mad

Cabbage juice is used for gastritis with low acidity, stomach ulcers and liver and spleen diseases. It strengthens blood vessels; stimulates cell regeneration of the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, returns fat metabolism back to normal and helps with healing sores.

  • Carrot juice improves vision, strengthens your body and helps you recover after severe disease or mental or physical exhaustion.
  • It heals stomach ulcers and helps with anemia, cancer and tuberculosis.
  • Carrot juice will increase your appetite and strengthen your teeth and your immune system.
  • Pomegranate juice is great for recovering after serious disease or surgery and helps with anemia.
  • Red currant juice is recommended for the cardiovascular system, ulcer, skin diseases, rheumatism, a cold, and gout and gravel disease.
  • Cucumber juice returns blood pressure to normal and improves the health of your teeth, gums, nails and hair.
  • It is used as a diuretic.
  • A mix of cucumber juice and carrot juice will help with rheumatism and will prevent atherosclerosis and parodontosis.
  • The mix will also improve your memory.
  • Orange juice is a powerful natural anti carcinogenic and anti cancerous remedy.
  • Peach juice strengthens heart muscles and cures heart arrhythmia.
  • It helps with anemia and gastritis intensification.

Cherry juice helps with constipation, improves your metabolism, strengthens your immune system, increases your appetite and is used to clear your throat if you cough.

  • Because there is no traditional cure for gout, gout alternative treatments have been the newest rave with this type of arthritis.
  • Millions of people suffer from this painful type of arthritis that is contributed to high levels of uric acid between the joints.
  • And these gout remedies work because they naturally lower the levels of uric acid by flushing it out of the body.
  • How to Cure the Gout Knowledge is the key to not only treating the disease, but preventing any additional damage to your body and kidneys.
  • You most also remember that being healthy is not a once a year type of thing; you must make your health a priority and a lifestyle change.
  • 5. Water can also greatly assist in the prevention and formation of uric acid crystals.
  • In addition, water can also help your body flush the crystals once they have formed!

For more gout alternative treatments, east texas baptist university! We offer the only 100% guaranteed Gout Remedy Report that works in less than 2 hours! These 5 tips will give you a great start for your treatment but more flare-ups are inevitable if you don't change your lifestyle.

  • Hyperuricemia is the build up of uric acid crystals and is directly responsible for the pain you are feeling.
  • There crystals can find their way to the joint spaces where they will cause painful inflammation.
  • Sometimes the crystals can appear as lumps under the skin and even disrupt the function of the kidneys.
  • For most people, the uric acid is dissolved in the blood, and processed by the kidney and eliminated from the body through the urine.
  • If you suffer from this disease, you body probably has an increased production of uric acid that cannot be processed and eliminated efficiently.
  • This condition is called hyperuricemia.
  • 3. Obesity can lead to high uric acid levels in your blood.
  • You should make it a goal to get within 30 pounds of your target weight.
  • Remember that the only healthy way to lose weight is a sensible diet and exercise.
  • All other fad diets usually won't work! Laughing

And There is More ... Recent research is suggesting that the human body has an internal intelligence that allows itself to naturally heal itself if given the proper tools. With gout, that includes your diet, nutrition, vitamins, supplements, herbs and exercise.

Though uric acid crystals will still be in the joints, you can dramatically decrease the gout attacks by learning how to relieve and cure gout symptoms. Let me explain! Rolling Eyes

  • Why Do I Suffer From Gout? Gout most likely can be contributed to your diet and lifestyle.
  • Sufferers from this form of arthritis are typically those people who have a poor diet and an inactive lifestyle.
  • They usually have a diet high in purines (found in animal-based foods).
  • Once in the body purines break down into uric acid.
  • Here are some tips to get you started for curing your gout symptoms! 1. Watch what you are eating!
  • Keep a food journal of everything that you eat and drink for one week.
  • Try to find what foods or beverages are causing your attacks.

2. Learn what foods are putting you at risk. Foods higher in purines will usually cause the problems. Avoid meats such as kidneys, liver, red meats, fish, beans, lentils, peas and alcohol. To begin your treatment you need to avoid these foods and gradually re-introduce these foods to your diet after you lower your uric acid levels. As the information we produce in our writing on Uric Acid Crystals may be utilized by the reader for informative purposes, it is very important that the information we provide be true. We have indeed maintained this.

  • 4. Get vitamins A, B5 and E!
  • Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables can drastically flush uric acids because of the fiber content and nutrients and antioxidant properties.
  • People deficient in these vitamins typically get gout.

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